Simplify Your Retirement Plan

Stop feeling overwhelmed! Your Retirement Game Plan will help you simplify your financial plan and give you peace of mind throughout your retirement years.

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Stop worrying about outliving your savings.

So many retirement planning decisions can leave you confused, overwhelmed, and frozen. When is the best time to claim your Social Security benefit? What if your 401k takes a nosedive right before retirement? Will you have enough income to maintain your lifestyle? You deserve more peace of mind.

Simplify Your Life with

Your Retirement Game Plan

SimpliFinancial Retirement Game Plan -Social Security Maximization

Maximize Your Social Security Benefit

 The difference between the best and worst Social Security decision can be enormous when factored over your lifetime. Our firm is committed to helping you get the most out of your benefit, so you can take one step closer toward the comfortable and enjoyable retirement you’ve been working so hard for!

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Analyze Risk Exposure

If there’s a market downturn, do you have enough time to make up a return on your 401k just to get back to where you started? Our Color of Money Risk Analysis assesses your financial picture and provides a game plan that aligns with your overall risk preferences.

SimpliFinancial Retirement Game Plan - Legacy Planning

Tax and Legacy Planning

Tax planning is an integral part in planning your legacy and can directly impact the amount of wealth you will be able to hand over to your heirs and beneficiaries. We recommend taking steps to ensure that your customized retirement plan is able to take advantage of any possible tax credits and deductions to help secure and maintain what you’ve worked hard to save.

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Your needs always come first.

Selecting a financial services professional can be one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. Our commitment to you is that we’ll always keep our focus on your goals and objectives and will act with transparency throughout our relationship.

The Retirement Game Plan process is simple

SimpliFinancial Retirement Game Plan - Pre-Season Planning

Step 1

Pre-Season Planning

It all starts with you - your goals and objectives, your feelings, and the facts about your current situation. Are you on track to reach your retirement planning goals? By the end of the fact and feeling finding step, you’ll know exactly where you stand.

SimpliFinancial Retirement Game Plan - Review Your Playbook

Step 2

Review Your Playbook

This step will help arm you with a deep understanding of your goals and objectives. For each priority area, we’ll develop a plan of action to help get you on the right track - and help keep you there. You’ll have a written Retirement Game Plan that will always be accessible to you in your Generational Vault.

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Step 3

Game Time!

If there are parts of your Retirement Game Plan that include creating new accounts or purchasing new financial products, we have a process that’s clear, documented and designed to ensure any decision you make is the appropriate fit for your needs.

SimpliFinancial Retirement Game Plan - Review the Tape

Step 4

Review the Tape

Our work together isn’t over when we’ve completed the retirement planning process and product selection. Our relationship is ongoing, and adjustments or new product selections will be made with life changes or desired modifications. Together, refinements can be made so that we continuously work towards your long-term retirement goals and objectives.

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